It would be worse than paring down the PittDiamond to fit the old setting of a Dowager's ring.
Uso de regent diamond em inglês
Ever since, the RegentDiamond has adorned the regalia of France.
Since then it has remained in the same family, its pride, its patrimonial jewel, its Regentdiamond.
She wore the famous Regentdiamond, which belongs to the French Crown, in her corsage, and a superb diamond tiara and necklace.
To the priest, the list of relics was more eloquent than the Regentdiamond on the hilt and the Kohinoor on the scabbard.
The Queen also examined the French Crown jewels, the crown bearing the renowned Regentdiamond, which, though less large than the Koh-i-noor, is more brilliant.